Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weight Loss

So I have battled with my weight my entire life, I have always been the big boned girl

who was a little podgy. The thinest I have ever been was at my wedding when I had a personal trainer for 3 months and lost 2 dress sizes. I even wore a bikini (without shorts) on our honeymoon!!

But of course I let myself go (STUPID STUPID ME!).

So I have 6kg from this pregnancy to lose, 4 from my pregnancy with Brayden and sommer another 10kg which I should have lost ages ago.

My hairdresser told me about this pill, a 'miracle pill' that works like a bomb, it costs a bomb and so me being a sucker for the easy way out i bought it! Started yesterday. Was told I do not have to eat healthy, exercise or anything, just eat what you want and the weight will fall off. So I think I will eat as well as I can, go to gym and do cardio and it should definatley work!

Wish me luck!


  1. whats this miracle called & how can get my paws on it!!!! I am all for these miracle working pills!! so spill the beans sista!!
    Good Luck with weight! xx

  2. It's called Simply Slim (www.simplyslim.co.za). On their webiste you can find an agent in your area.
